Timing for Teams: Frequently Asked Questions

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Who is it for?

Timing for Teams has been designed for agencies needing to manage all team members' Timing projects and times in a central location. It also works well for small groups of freelancers who work and bill together.

What does it do?

This feature lets you create teams and add members to them from within the Timing web app.

Each team has a set of projects. These projects are automatically added to Timing for Mac and shared with all team members, so that multiple people can record time towards the same bill. This avoids having to manually create the same projects over and over for each individual team member.

The team's administrator can view all team members' times in a central location and export that data for billing. This saves time compared to manually collecting times from all members.

If there are any other features that you would like to see in Timing for Teams, please let us know, so we can consider adding them.

Will team members be able to see each others' times?

Only members with the role "Administrator" can see times from other team members. Members with the roles "Restricted" or "Contributor" will not be able to see times from others.

Can all team members edit the team's projects?

Team members with the "Contributor" and "Administrator" roles can edit the team's projects. Team members with the "Restricted" role can only view the projects and assign times towards them, but not edit them.

Will I be able to see times in my team members' "personal" projects?

No. Team administrators can see only the times that are recorded towards projects that belong to that team; times in personal projects are only visible to their creator.

Can each team member define their own project rules?

By default, rules for team projects are shared across the entire team. If you want each member to have their own project rules, contact us.

If you want to create rules that are useful to both yourself and your colleagues, make sure to create rules that are not based on the path of files on your local disk, as that path will likely be different for your colleagues. Instead, try to create keyword-based rules or rules of e.g. the form "Path contains". You can learn more about rules in the knowledge base.

Keep in mind that project rules only apply to app usage recorded from now on; if you want them to also apply to app usage recorded in the past, ask your team members to re-apply their rules.

Can team members hide projects they don't need?

By default, projects' "Archived" states (which can be used to hide projects) are shared across the entire team. If you want each member to set individual archival states, contact us.

How many teams can I create?

As long as each team member has a subscription seat for our "Connect" plan, you can create any number of teams.

Can I monitor how my team members use their computer?

For privacy reasons, team administrators can not see which apps, documents and websites their team members use. Instead, Timing shows the total time a person spent on a given team project.

Can I see how much time my team members spend on their private projects?

You can only view times spent on projects associated with your team. Your team members' non-team projects are private to them and not visible to you.

Can I view my team's times in Timing for Mac?

Times from your team are only visible in the Timing web app, not in Timing for Mac.

What does it cost? How do I order?

You can view the pricing of our "Connect" plan on our pricing page. Note that you need one subscription seat per team member; you can select the desired number of seats on the pricing page or during checkout. You can also easily add or remove seats from your subscription later on.

I already have a Timing license or subscription. How can I upgrade?

Please contact us with details on your license and team for a bespoke upgrade offer.

How can I add more seats to my subscription?

When you subscribe, you receive an email with a link to manage your subscription. On that page, you can enter the desired seat count for your subscription. Once you have set the number of seats, you can add new seats on the same page.

You are also given the option to add a seat when inviting a team member, with a preview of the resulting costs. When you use this option, we will automatically email your new team member instructions for activating their Timing seat.

I have already created some projects in Timing. Can I migrate these to my team?

Yes! The following process will create a copy of the project in your team and automatically move all corresponding times to the new project:

  1. Right-click one of your personal projects in the project list in the sidebar of Timing for Mac. Click “Migrate to (Your Team)”.
  2. Repeat step 1 for each project you want to be migrated. In particular, this will only migrate the projects you explicitly want migrated, so you don't need to worry about accidentally migrating projects that should stay private+.

If your colleagues also want to migrate their data into the same projects, please have them perform the following steps:

  1. Make sure that you have Timing 2022.1 installed. You can find out which version you have installed by clicking "About Timing" in the "Timing" menu. If you have an older version, you can click "Check for Updates" in the "Timing" menu to download the latest version.
  2. Wait a few minutes for the projects that your colleagues have already migrated to show up in the project list on your Mac.
  3. Double-check that the projects you want to migrate are exactly identical to the names of the projects on the team. If the names do not match exactly, you will end up with duplicates projects on your team. If that happens, press Cmd-Z to undo the migration.
  4. Right-click one of your personal projects in the project list in the sidebar of Timing for Mac. Click “Migrate to (Your Team)”.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each project you want to be migrated.
  6. Once you are done migrating, you can delete the personal projects. We recommend keeping the personal projects around for a few days, though, letting you make sure that you are happy with the team's project structure before deleting the old ones.

What happens when I remove someone from a team?

When you remove a team member, we will create “personal” copies of that team's projects in that person's account.
We then move all times created by that person in the team to the corresponding “personal” projects.
This process avoids leaving the team member with a lot of unassigned time for the entries which used to be assigned to team projects that they no longer have access to.

Note that once a person is removed from a team, team administrator will no longer be able to view times created by that person.

What happens when I delete a team?

The process outlined above for removing one team member is repeated for each team member, leaving each person with their own “personal” copies of that team's projects. The team is then removed from your account.

My team list only shows each member's email address instead of their name. How can I change that?

Please ask your team members to enter a name in their user profile on the Timing web app.

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