
Filters let you distinguish between various types of activities like email, web browsing, etc. without touching your project hierarchy.

Table of Contents

How Are Filters Different from Projects?

Timing's primary means of categorizing time are projects.

Projects are great for measuring what you've worked on, i.e. what project your time was spent on.

But given that any activity can only be in a single project "bucket", they are not so great for figuring out how you worked – e.g. whether your work consisted mostly of web browsing, communication, writing, development, web design, or something completely different. This distinction can often be recognized by which app you were using at the time.

That's where filters come into play.
Each filter has a set of rules, and it will always contain exactly the activities that match its rule – no more, no less.
This is unlike projects, which you can drag individual activities on without having to create a rule.
That makes filters well-suited for keeping track of the kind of work you did –
for example, you could have a filter called "Graphics" containing all your graphics apps.
That way, you know exactly how much time you spent doing image editing, even if that time is spread across several projects.

Using Filters

(Please note: Filters require Timing Expert.)

You can access your filters via the corresponding button in the toolbar:

From there, you can select filters to show the activities they contain, or double-click one to edit it. To learn more about how to edit a filter's rules, please have a look at our knowledge base article on rules. That article will teach you to filter for several specific categories of activities, including:

  • Folders
  • Websites
  • Email addresses
  • Slack teams
  • Chrome profiles
  • Devices
  • Specific times of the day (to e.g. quickly review time spent during working hours vs. overtime, without having to create different projects for both)
  • Specific days of the week (to e.g. compare your work habits on weekdays vs. weekends)

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