URL Scheme Support

Table of Contents

Please note: All of these URLs require at least Timing Expert in order to function.

Also, note that the URL schemes for these commands differ based on whether they affect the main app or the tracker app.

  • timing2helper://startTimer
    Starts a timer.
    Query parameters:
    • title: The title for the timer.
    • notes: The notes for the timer.
    • project: The ID or name of the project for the timer.
    • estimatedDuration: The estimated duration for the timer, in seconds.
    • startDate: The start date for the timer.
    • startImmediately: Whether to start the timer without presenting a dialogue first. Can be true or false (default).
    • center: Centers the timer editor on the screen. Only available when startImmediately is not true. Can be true or false (default).
    Example URL:
  • timing2helper://stopTimer
    Stops the currently running timer, if available.
    Query parameters:
    • hideNotification: If true, the notification about the timer having been stopped will be suppressed. Can be true or false (default).
    Example URL: timing2helper://stopTimer?hideNotification=true
  • timing2helper://createTimeEntry
    Creates a new time entry.
    Query parameters:
    • title: The title for the time entry.
    • notes: The notes for the time entry.
    • project: The ID or name of the project for the time entry.
    • startDate: The start date for the time entry.
    • endDate: The end date for the time entry.
    • createImmediately: Whether to create the time entry without presenting a dialogue first. Only available when at least startDate, endDate and at least one of title or project provided. Can be true or false (default).
    • center: Centers the time entry editor on the screen. Only available when createImmediately is not true. Can be true or false (default).
    • obtainFocus: Whether the opened editor should immediately take focus. Only available when createImmediately is not true. Can be true (default) or false.
    Example URL:
  • timing2helper://editTimeEntry/<time-entry-id>
    Presents a dialogue to edit the time entry with a given ID.
    Path arguments:
    • <time-entry-id>: The ID of the time entry to edit, as surfaced by "raw" exports and/or the Web API. Can be replaced with latest to edit the most recent time entry.
    Example URLs: timing2helper://editTimeEntry/1234 or timing2helper://editTimeEntry/latest
  • timing2://selectProjects/<project-name-or-id>
    Selects the given projects in the sidebar of the main Timing app.
    Path arguments:
    • <project-name-or-id>: The name or ID of the project to select. Multiple arguments can be provided when separated by slashes. If omitted, "All Activities" will be selected.
    Example URLs: timing2://selectProjects/1234 or timing2://selectProjects/ProjectA/ProjectB

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