Importing Categories, Projects and Time Entries from Tyme 2

Simply copy the following script(s) into a new "Script Editor" document and press run.
After pasting them, consider saving the scripts to disk for future re-use. You could even save them to iCloud Drive (or e.g. Dropbox or Google Drive) to have them available on all your Macs.
Feel free to customize them for your use cases; if you need details on how a particular method works, please refer to our AppleScript reference.

Note: We do not take responsibility for any data loss incurred by running these scripts.
Make sure to back up your data (e.g. by copying the directories mentioned here to a different location) before running these scripts.

-- Copyright (c) 2025 Timing Software GmbH. All rights reserved.
-- This script is licensed only to extend the functionality of Timing. Redistribution and any other uses are not allowed without prior permission from us.
tell application "TimingHelper"
	if not advanced scripting support available then
		error "This script requires a Timing Connect subscription. Please contact support via to upgrade."
	end if
end tell

set importStartDate to ((current date) - 10 * 365 * 24 * 3600)
set importEndDate to current date

set alertResult to display alert "Please back up your data!" message "Before proceeding, please make sure to back up your Timing database.\n\nSee on which folders you need to back up." buttons {"Cancel", "I Have A Backup"}
if button returned of alertResult is "Cancel" then
	error number -128
end if

on getOrCreateProject(projectName, parentProject)
	if projectName = "" then
		return missing value
	end if
	tell application "TimingHelper"
		if parentProject is missing value then
			set results to (projects whose name is projectName)
			if results = {} then
				return (create project name projectName)
				return (first item of results)
			end if
			set results to (projects of parentProject whose name is projectName)
			if results = {} then
				return (create project name projectName parent project parentProject)
				return (first item of results)
			end if
		end if
	end tell
end getOrCreateProject

tell application "Tyme2"
	set cats to categories
	set projs to projects
	set allTasks to every task of every project
	GetTaskRecordIDs startDate importStartDate endDate importEndDate
	set taskRecordIDs to fetchedTaskRecordIDs
end tell

repeat with cat in cats
	getOrCreateProject(get name of cat, missing value)
end repeat

repeat with proj in projs
	tell application "Tyme2"
		set catName to ""
			set catName to (name of front category whose id is categoryID of proj)
		end try
	end tell
	getOrCreateProject(get name of proj, getOrCreateProject(catName, missing value))
end repeat

repeat with taskRecordID in taskRecordIDs
	tell application "Tyme2"
		GetRecordWithID taskRecordID
		get properties of lastFetchedTaskRecord
		set startDate to timeStart of lastFetchedTaskRecord
		set endDate to timeEnd of lastFetchedTaskRecord
		get timedDuration of lastFetchedTaskRecord
		set catID to relatedCategoryID of lastFetchedTaskRecord
		set projectID to relatedProjectID of lastFetchedTaskRecord
		set taskID to relatedTaskID of lastFetchedTaskRecord
		-- Note: Importing subtasks is currently not supported (because I don't know how to get their properties from Tyme).
		--set subtaskID to relatedSubTaskID of lastFetchedTaskRecord
		set tymeProject to (front project whose id is projectID)
		set projectName to name of tymeProject
		set allTaskNames to (name of (every task of tymeProject) whose id is taskID)
		set categoryName to ""
			set categoryName to name of (front category whose id is catID)
		end try
	end tell
	set taskName to item 1 of allTaskNames
	set timingProject to getOrCreateProject(projectName, getOrCreateProject(categoryName, missing value))
	if startDate is greater than endDate then
		-- swap start and end date if neeeded
		set tmp to startDate
		set startDate to endDate
		set endDate to tmp
	end if
	if endDate is greater than startDate then
		-- ignore zero-duration time entries
		tell application "TimingHelper"
			add time entry from startDate to endDate with title taskName project timingProject
		end tell
	end if
end repeat

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